About Julie


Julie Brown is a passionate Wellness Coach with a background in personal development spanning nearly three decades. Julie has helped hundreds of individuals recover from severe mental and emotional health challenges.

Julie’s experience has positioned her with life-changing insights into some of the common wellness struggles many caregivers and those in social services encounter; burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma to name a few.  High absenteeism, low staff morale and unbearable stress levels are a few of the workplace issue Julie has been able to help current Jump Start Coaching clients with to advocate for workplace wellness. 

 Julie’s expertise in mental and emotional health management has paved the way for her to pursue her passion; “helping the helpers”. By helping develop their own wellness plans, clients have also been restored to healthy balance and joy for the great work they do everyday. 

The incredible mental and emotional demand in caregiving and social services has oftentimes overwhelmed schedules, meeting quotas not to mention frequent exposure to family and client trauma. There is a tremendous need for family and professional staff support to maintain a healthy work-life balance while maintaining energy and passion for helping those who need it most.

Through a variety of customized wellness workshops and/or individual coaching sessions, Julie has provided expert guidance and support to help organizations thrive improving staff wellness and job satisfaction. Julie continues to develop programs and workshops to meet the specific needs of our clients. As a Wellness Coach and a certified WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Facilitator, Julie is living her dream of helping the helpers.

Email or call today for your consultation to bring wellness to your workplace!

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